Monday 5 November 2012

Hello World!  I say that because this is the first blog I have ever created, and with over 30 years on the Web that is some kind of restraint.

I am not sure much to say that anyone would want to read, but I do have a lot to say just ask my husband.

Where to start?  I am not going back to the beginning that just seems... well boring to me.  So I will start with a general description of the last few years and I am sure more history will surface later.

I  am currently an American living in England.  I married my husband 8 years ago and moved from California.  I was working for a well known rock climbing shoe maker and living part of the year in Brussels, Belgium and part in Redlands, California.  I really enjoyed this life style and was sad to give it up. But as the song says "The things we do for love!"  I told myself that I would every much enjoy living in another country, that I would have new family around me to help with the culture shock (if any, hell they speak the same language don't they), that my new husband was worth it and after all we had agreed it would only be 8 to 10 years before we could move back to the USA.  None of these mental justifications actually convinced me I would not miss my family, friends or homeland, but the noise and jabber in my head kept me from thinking too much about the consequences of what I was doing, for awhile.

I must admit even at my age (60) I can quite easily delude myself if I try hard enough.

So now we have been here for just about 8 years and are moving to South Carolina in about 6-9 months.  I will be going in March to set up house and my husband will be following in Sept 2013.

First things first.  I am a California girl born and raised.  I like the beach and the mountains.  Love the sun and never wear shoes unless I have too.  England has not been kind to me in many ways.  My new husbands grown children only tolerated me.  My job skills were good to travel, but 99% of the bosses I worked for here were assholes!  In eight years I have had no less than twelve jobs.  Mostly temporary but a few could have been keepers if I wanted.  The last job I had in the USA was over ten years.  I've never tended to jump ship often.  So why did I here?  Well some I can put it down to just temp jobs not much you can do when the contract ends.  Most of those I could not wait to end but a couple I would have stayed on to see how they worked out if I could have.  One job I held for 2 years until I just could not take the verbal abuse any longer.  You see one of the major differences between here and the USA is peoples attitudes!  Abuse of power in the work place is ramped.  And for a local its not really a problem because they are used to it mostly they even expect it and are shocked when a person in power is a decent human or behaves kindly in anyway to a subordinate.  I know my husband is constantly surprised when we are on vacation in the USA and anyone treats us fairly or kindly when they do not have too.  He is always looking for the way he is going to get screwed, it is such a habit he doesn't even realize how cynical he appears when in any given situation he can begin to list out loud the ways someone can get around this or that law or written document. 

Anyway I think that is enough complaining for today!

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